United Nations Day Celebrations

As part of our School’s Mission to prepare students to be leaders today and tomorrow, we value and cherish our individuality and uniqueness whilst still respecting the differences of others.

Our UN Day (Internationalism) celebrations brought this understanding of respect, harmony and peace to the forefront as parents, students and teachers celebrated our diversity as one humankind. The event was led by Mr Stuart Judd, Ms Sisca Devianti, Ms Rinda O. Maulina & Ms H. Sekar Wangi.

At the celebrations, our ECY students enthralled the school community with their cute International Fashion Parade which showcased and highlighted the different traditional or national costumes from around the world.

We were also very happy to see some mummies on the catwalk with their little ones! A big round of applause for the kind support of all the mummies & parents who were there at the event! ?

Our Elementary students were tasked to complete & participate in our International Class Tribute Instagram Competition where winning entries will be selected by our school community. Classes put up fascinating class tributes which depicted the uniqueness or icon of a UN member-state or country.

We hope you had voted for your favourite International Class Tribute on our School’s Instagram page. Voting closes at the end of the month.

Our MSHS students submitted Wall Art sketches which will be commissioned to be painted on the school walls. We look forward to the completion of this student project by January 2019.

Our PSG and parents also joined us at the celebrations as they put up an outstanding International Food Market for our school community on that day. Each booth was elaborately decorated with information posters, artefacts, emblems and icons from the various countries.

There was plenty of good and authentic international food to sample and purchase from the International Food Market.

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