One of the School’s niche programmes is the MSHS SPIRIT Camp, which is open to all Grade 7 and Grade 10 students. The aim of this programme is to help our newly minted Middle and High School students understand the BINUSIAN SPIRIT deeper and to inspire them to demonstrate these values throughout their journey in life. As physical gatherings are currently prohibited due to the pandemic, the School soldiered on to provide this meaningful external learning engagement via an alternative format. This school year, our MSHS SPIRIT Camp was conducted, online!

The camp was attended by seventy five (75) of our MS7 students on Tuesday, 13th October and sixty one (61) of our HS10 students on Wednesday, 14th October, respectively.

During the online camp, we saw our students navigate through the digital platform and applications to work on their activities and engage in discussions in their respective virtual “chat rooms”.

Students were on-task during the small and large group sessions and explored topics that sought to build in them the notion of G.R.I.T.:

  • Setting Goals
  • Being Responsible
  • Innovation & Adaptability
  • Teamwork and Relationships

At the end of the camp, participants completed a feedback form for the School to assess the effectiveness of the programme and the engagement of our students. 94% of participants indicated that they enjoyed the camp thoroughly and affirmed that the programme provided them with meaningful learning opportunities. Other aspects of the camp which received good reviews included: ▪ the facilitators shared good and useful insights (99%) ▪ the facilitators’ connection was stable and online communication was effective (99%) ▪ camp provided ample opportunities for active participation (98%)


Below are some of the reflections from our participants:

The camp was very enriching, and it helped me open my mind about the topics which were discussed. ~ A. J. HS10

I want to pay attention and participate more to be able to respond better. ~ G. S. MS7

We should always be grateful for what we have and remember that whatever we set our minds to we can achieve if we believe that we can. ~ K. J. MS7

I believe I will be able to do better if I look at the positive side of things. ~ Z. K. MS7

Innovate. Never give up. Keep chasing your dreams. ~ M. A. MS7

Responsibility is not only doing things but also giving extra effort in doing them. And hard work always pays off. ~ A. S. HS10

I should put in more effort in everything that I do. The pandemic has made me lazy and lose my motivation. I must fix that now. ~ S. A. HS10




A big thank you to our Affective Education Office for coordinating and ensuring that the camp was well received by our students. We sincerely hope that with those valuable take-aways, our students will be able to venture through these uncertain times with resilience, determination, and good work to achieve their goals and dreams! Carpe diem, BINUSIANS!

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