Elementary – High School Recognitions

The exemplary results & hard work of our students were recognized at our year end recognitions which was held on Monday, 27th May 2019.
At the recognitions, the following awards were presented to the deserving students:
- Subject Awards (for Excellence in Examinable & Non-examinable subjects; per grade level)
- SPIRIT Award (for the embodiment of BINUS’ holistic values; per class)
- Merit Awards (for highest merit points achieved; per grade level)
- Cambridge Learner Awards (Silver; for achieving an overall average of at least 80% with no scores lower than 70% and SPIRIT & Demerit considerations)
(Gold; for achieving an overall average of at least 85% with no scores lower than 80% and SPIRIT & Demerit considerations)
We also presented our EL6 & MS9 students with their Certificates of Completion for their study in the Elementary & Middle School Years respectively.
Well done, BINUSIANS! ?
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