Kami Cinta Indonesia

To bring out the best of our national pride and identity, we held our inaugural KAMI CINTA INDONESIA 2019 to showcase and celebrate our history, culture and values. The event which was held from 28th – 31st October 2019 highlighted various facets of our national heritage.
This inaugural school event was coordinated by Ms Eka Susti Pratiwy, HOD (Bahasa Indonesia & Religious Studies), together with her department team members.

Monday’s celebrations focused on Hari Sumpah Pemuda. At the assembly, the students revisited the history and values behind the oath i.e. Sumpah Pemuda. At the end of the assembly, our students recited the pledge as a reminder of their obligation to preserve the unity and harmony in the Nation.

Tuesday was a tribute to Hari Kesaktian Pancasila. Resource persons from Lubang Buaya were invited to our School for a talk show where they shared on the importance of the Pancasila. Through their sharing, our students gained a better understanding and appreciation of the philosophy behind our nation’s Pancasila.

Wednesday had us shine the spotlight on our veterans in commemoration of Hari Pahlawan. Two distinguished veterans shared about their experience of fighting for the country. They spoke about their love for our country and how they fought for her glory at one point in time. At the end of the programme, students offered their tokens of gratitude to the veterans.

Thursday was the culmination day of the event as well as the commemoration day of Hari Batik Nasional. Students came to School in their “best” batik and tried their hand at batik-making and creating artwork using batik patterns.

Our ever-supportive PSG & parents also put together a Batik Nusantara Exhibition in our Mini Hall to showcase the wide variety of Indonesian batik and fabrics from across the archipelago. The exhibition was grand and thorough and allowed our students to learn more about the beautiful and omnipresent Indonesian batik.

We also had a school assembly where the rich Indonesian performing arts was showcased through singing and dancing performances.



To add to the celebratory mood, our PSG organized a Nusantara Bazaar which featured local goods, foods and delicacies for our school community.

We thank all our PSG & parents for their wonderful participation at our assembly. Together with you, learning at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi is just more fun! Cintai Indonesia dan terus berkarya untuk Indonesia maju!

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