A total of 116 students went on their annual SPIRIT camp on 25th – 26th September 2019. This year, our annual MSHS Camp was coordinated by our Affective Education Office, led by Mr Erwin R. Montojo. The camp, which was held at Taman Bukit Palem, Bogor, was specially designed for our MS7 and HS10 students.

The SPIRIT Camp aimed to provide students with an opportunity to interact with their peers in an out-of-school setting. Also, we hope the experience will allow students to internalize their BINUSIAN values through the outdoor games and interactive yet soul-searching activities that had been prepared.

The annual MSHS SPIRIT Camp is compulsory for all MS7 & HS10 students and is part of our School’s niche Character Building & Values Education programme to develop 21st century life skills i.e. flexibility, leadership, initiative, productivity and social skills.

We look forward to receiving our next cohort of students to the MSHS SPIRIT Camp!

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