We are extremely proud to share with our community the achievement of our students in the past months. Onwards, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi!
Gibran Iskandar Alam (EL 5B)
- Kejuaraan Nasional Taekwondo Kapolri Cup 3, Organized by Kapolri. First Place.
- Kejuaraan Indonesia Taekwondo Poomsae Series 2022, 19th – 20th March 2022, Organized by KONI Pusat. First Place.
Evan Phillipe Bawono (EL 5B)
- Gopay Junior Super Series
2022, single and double
finalist tennis tournaments.
2 silver medals
We are extremely proud of our students’ outstanding achievements in the abovementioned competitions. These achievements are a clear testament to their BINUS SPIRIT of striving for excellence, despite the pandemic that we are in right now. Onwards, BINUSIANS!
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