Enforcing Future Education: BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi Teachers Won 1st Prize in the K12 Track 2024

As part of the global education community, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi has determined one of its missions is to serve the country through innovative learning. This mission has encouraged both students and educators to take impactful roles through copious approaches, including participation in competitions and research.
Let’s delve into an exceptional example of carrying out that mission through the fulfilling performance of Mr. Syakti, Mr. Marcelino, and Mr. Nugroho from BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi. The three teachers have showcased their dedication and visions for future education during The Global Citizen on Design for Future Education K12 Track 2024.
A Brief of The Global Citizen on Design for Future Education
UNESCO IITE has organized the Global Citizen on Design for Future Education (GDC4FE) in joint hands with Beijing Normal University in 2024 for the 7th edition. Held from 1st March with a Global Final round in September to October 2024, this event aimed to transform the future education system globally.
For this edition, the range of case study themes was enriching, triggering innovative solutions through technology integration and sharp educational policy understanding. It consisted of AIGC and Education, Metaverse and Education, Rural Education, Inclusive Education, and Educational Neuroscience.
As a global melting pot of innovative solutions for the educational sector, GDC4FE 2024 has called comprehensive participants from four tracks:
- higher education,
- vocational,
- K12, and
- enterprises from around the world.
All of the participants across the tracks submitted their future-oriented educational case study designs.
Particularly for the K12 tracks, GDC4FE has received 420 outstanding case studies in total from various countries’ representatives, including Indonesia. In this track, 3 teachers from BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi have teamed up, making a way to the oral defence online session. They competed against 88 case studies in the final round.
3 Teachers from BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi Won the 1st Prize at GDC4FE 2024
Let’s meet our three pride profiles who helped visualize new hopes for better education opportunities through the GCD4FE 2024!
Mr Syakti – Physics Teacher
Mr. Syakti made his way to join BINUS SCHOOL back in 2021 as a Physics Teacher for both Lower and Upper Secondary. Since then, Mr. Syakti has shown his deep devotion to teaching through research, competition, and awards, with both national and international recognition.
Before participating and winning the 1st Prize in the GCD4FE 2024 K12 Track with two other teachers from BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi, he made his latest mark through a project called Advanced Workshop on GCED for Alumni and the International Conference on GCED in 2023.
The project was granted by the UNESCO APCEIU and was recognized globally amongst the other 26 event participants.
Mr Marcelino – Math Teacher
Mr. Marcelino joined BINUS SCHOOL in 2019 after graduating with a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics Education from Pelita Harapan University.
With around 12 years of teaching experience, Mr. Marcelino has proved both his capability and dedication to the education sector through various competitions and awards he received between 2018 to 2022.
Mr. Marcelino got broader exposure to global education through The 21st Century Teacher Competition Teacher Award by UNESCO IITE and NetDragon 2023: Advanced Educational Technology Tools.
As for the latest mentioned, Mr. Marcelino executed a project entitled “ The Application of Integration to Find the Area of Stadium”, utilising GMaps and Desmos. This project was then implemented to calculate a stadium’s area through integration in 12th Grade during their Integral studies in BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi.
Mr Nugroho – Science – Biology Teacher
Mr. Nugroho Sumanto has been serving as a High School Biology Teacher at BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi since 2018 and has a master’s degree majoring in Conservation Biology from the University of Indonesia.
Aside from harnessing his competencies in sustainability, fieldwork, and assessment that are pivotal in Biology Science, he also manifests his unwavering dedication and interest in innovative education. He embarked on his exploration of machine learning utilization through various courses.
Mr. Nugroho then took the role of the Android Programming Teacher in 2022. Along with BINUS SCHOOL Serpong, Mr. Nugroho has already launched an educational RPG game project in 2012.
Teaching is their way to share their knowledge and passion. However, winning the global prize was an opportunity for them to pave a notorious legacy in a broader sense in the educational sector.
In that regard, BINUS SCHOOL Bekasi encourages and supports teachers in discovering new horizons for educators’ development and empowers their fellow teachers’ development. Both of the teachers’ persistent efforts and the support of the BINUS SCHOOL BEKASI community have brought an impact on current and future students’ learning.
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